Aloe Vera is a plant that is historically renowned for having being used in a medical capacity for centuries. Even before medicine was truly understood, people were using this plant to help to improve their health. A member of the lily family, the plant is used for a number of different things, with almost every part of the plant being useful for something. If you like the thought of using nature to improve your health and well-being rather than turning to medically prescribed drugs, then this article could well give you some great advice about how to go about it. Here are the Top 10 Aloe Vera benefits:

1. Great healing properties

Aloe Vera has been found to have astonishing healing properties, and has been known to be used on burns and wounds. With burns particularly, it is helpful to place the cut stem of the plant in the fridge and then rub it on a burn – the relief that can be felt when you’re in pain is always welcome. Thanks to the fact that Aloe Vera plants have high levels of moisture, they can also be incredibly useful for dry skin.

2. Improving inflammation

If you suffer from an inflammation of your joints, then you may be glad to know that Aloe Vera could help you to relieve this. It has been shown to slow down the effects of inflammation, meaning that it could help you to improve joint pain.

3. Nutritionally beneficial

Aloe Vera has high levels of both vitamins and minerals, with C, B12 and folic acid being amongst the most sought after. The plant is also a great source of calcium, iron and zinc, meaning that it is almost as good as a multi-vitamin tablet! You can enjoy many benefits from improving your intake of these vitamins, and Aloe Vera is a great source.

4. Improving digestion

It is well known that a poor digestive system is linked to a great number of diseases, including various types of cancer. Aloe Vera has been shown to be of help when an individual is suffering from constipation or diarrhoea, and can also improve long-term digestive conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome. It can help to keep the balance between healthy and unhealthy bacteria in your body, meaning that your digestive health will improve greatly.

5. Thought to aid your cardiovascular health

This is a relatively new train of thought with regards to Aloe Vera, however some early studies have already shown that the plant can improve the transportation of oxygen around the body, which means that your blood can flow more freely, and therefore improve your circulation. This means that you are less likely to suffer from things like heart disease and high cholesterol – both of which are on the rise in the current population at the moment. With cardiovascular health being something that more and more people should be aware of, it makes absolute sense to try and improve it – and it would seem that Aloe Vera could help with this.

6. Boosts your immune system

Have you ever noticed that you become unwell more often than your friends or family? If you have, then you may need to try and boost your immune system – which is what helps to keep you well, and allows you to recover quickly if you do get ill. Aloe Vera has been shown to stimulate the white blood cells in your body, which play a key role in your immunity. If you are ill with a fever, it is also useful to know that Aloe Vera has been shown to reduce symptoms of this, so no matter whether you are trying to avoid becoming ill, or whether you are trying to recover from illness, it may be the case that Aloe Vera could be beneficial to you.

7. Can be used as an anti-fungal or anti-septic lotion

If you know that you often suffer with infections, whether fungal or viral, you should try Aloe Vera as part of your treatment for these. The active ingredients that are in the plant are able to work as a team in order to stop certain microorganisms from growing that are responsible for disease, so you should find that it is able to help you to treat infections, whether internal or external.

8. Use Aloe Vera to lose weight

Although this is only really a secondary effect, it can be a welcome one for a number of people. Because Aloe Vera works so well at improving both your digestive health and the levels of toxins in your body, you can become much more efficient at processing the food that you take in, meaning that it is used to the best effect rather than being stored as fat. This means that you are likely to shed any excess pounds that you are holding, and in turn this should help to improve your energy levels and your overall wellbeing.

9. Reduces dental plaque

If you have been spending a lot of money on mouthwash to try and reduce the amount of plaque that you suffer with, then stop using it, and give Aloe Vera a chance instead. It has been shown that, by using the pure juice instead of a mouthwash, it can effectively reduce the amount of plaque that builds up, which can therefore improve your overall oral hygiene. It can also kill other bacteria in your mouth that could prove to cause you harm in the future, which is great news.

10. Get rid of mouth ulcers

Nothing is more frustrating or painful than that horrible, recurring mouth ulcer that seems to pop up at the first sign of stress. The great news is that Aloe Vera has now been shown to improve the healing time of these ulcers, so you no longer have to suffer with them for as long as you would have done before. The plant has also been shown to reduce the amount of pain that individuals experienced from their mouth ulcers, which meant that they were able to heal in more comfort.

“You ask me what were the secret forces which sustained me during my long fasts. Well, it was my unshakeable faith in God, my simple and frugal lifestyle and the Aloe, whose benefits I discovered upon my arrival in South Africa at the end of the nineteenth century.” – Mahatma Ghandi

Although there are many more Aloe Vera benefits than mentioned in this article, it is hoped that this posts gives you some indication to its potential.  Personally, I have slowly started introducing Aloe Vera products into my life; they really are great. I tend to stick to products by Forever Living because they not only provide fantastic results, but they’re also a reputable brand that makes a positive difference in people’s lives. If you want to purchase any products, or if you simply want to find out more about the brand itself and how you can get involved, click HERE.

Finally, if you enjoyed this post, feel free to share it with your friends and family. After all, sharing is caring!

Author: Vex King

I am the founder and owner of the Bon Vita lifestyle brand. I could give myself a title and call myself a lifestyle entrepreneur, personal mentor, writer, designer, innovator, CEO, or anything else I see as fitting. However no title can define me as an individual. I’m just an optimist, a visionary, a philanthropist and jack of many trades. I’m using my positive influence to redefine the creative industries using Good Vibes Only #GVO so that people can fulfil their dreams, purposefully, and enjoy The Good Life #TGL. My daily words of intent are to make people… Think, look & feel GOOD!

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