I think that Google is an awesome example of the Law of Attraction (LoA) at work. In fact, I see it as not only an example of the law, but also as an analogy for how the LoA works! Think about it…

1. Ask

You have a question, you want to know something. But if you don’t ask it, you don’t get a response! So you have to ask.

Google and other search engines have really helped vocalize more of humanity’s questions! How many questions do you ask of Google that you wouldn’t ask if you didn’t have access to it?

Before the advent of the internet, how many questions went unanswered? Of even better, how many questions went unasked?

I know I sure didn’t ask as many questions back in the 80’s and early 90’s. I didn’t know Google (and I also didn’t know the Law of Attraction!).

I’m not at all surprised at how much the world has progressed since the internet took hold. We’re asking more questions than ever, and this is leading us to new ideas and innovations at an exponential rate.

2. Believe

To use the Law of Attraction to get the things that you want, you have to believe that they are on their way.

When we have doubt, they do not come. When we have faith, they show up. It always boils down to our belief.

Each of us has a strong belief that if we type in our questions into Google, we will get a response. Sometimes, we get just the answer we are looking for, but if we believe our questions are too vague or obscure, we don’t necessarily expect to find the “right” answer right away.

If we believe the answer is buried too far into the internet, or we don’t know the right way to ask the question, sometimes we give up the search before we find what we want. This too, happens in life.

We DO however have a belief that we will get something, and that the journey to our answers will begin when we start asking questions. We know when we ask of Google, we will get some sort of answer, or at the very least, we will be pointed in the right direction. If we are feeling especially faithful, we keep hunting until we find what we are looking for.

3. Receive

Once we have asked the internet our question we get a plethora of answers. We get more answers than we can fully review and analyze. There are an infinite number options we have on how to proceed when we receive our answers from Google.

The Universe is the same way. When we ask and then believe, an infinite number of paths emerge to take us to our wanted destination, and we get to choose the path we wish.

Sometimes we take the obvious path (the answer ranked #1 on Google), but sometimes we take an alternate route. Sometimes, we find that the answer isn’t always evident, but instead it’s a bit hidden.

Sometimes, we don’t even find our answer in our first search, but rather our search takes us to a page, that leads us to another and then another. Sometimes one search is just the beginning, and our answers take us to a new question, and an altogether new search.

The Law Of Attraction really is just like Google

I think the internet is a beautiful analogy for the LoA, and observing how Google works can give us clarity on how the Universe answers our questions.

First off, we have to ask. We have to be willing to ask the questions if we want to be led to the answers. We can’t keep those questions in the dark, we have to let them come out, or we won’t progress.

Secondly, we must believe. The internet works, because we have faith in it. The same is true for the Law of Attraction.

Belief is so obviously a component to the internet because if we didn’t believe in it’s ability to provide answers to us, none of us would have ever contributed to creating it. Even further, none of us would be receiving any answers from it!

Without belief in the internet, there would be nothing there for any of us. Faith is a necessary component to the process.

Lastly, we receive, and receiving can happen in many, many ways! Sometimes the answers are obvious, but sometimes our questions lead us on a journey, or a trail to the answers we are seeking.

Final note….

One last note, another thing to realize about the internet is how HUGE it is and what ENORMOUS capacity it has to help us. There is just so much information out there at our fingertips. We get so much, with very little effort, just from asking Google our questions.

The Universe is the same way. There is infinite knowledge and assistance out there for all of us, and it doesn’t take a lot of work on our part to access it. All we have to do is ask and trust the answers will come. The answers can come as easily in life as they do on Google.

We all have questions, and we all have things we want in our lives. The Universe is a grand database, just like our internet, and it has the answers to any query we can conceive of. After all, the Universe has been around a lot longer than Google.

Imagine what would be possible if we put just as much faith into the Universe’s ability to answer our questions as we do into Google!

So the next time you have a question, or a desire for your life, try to think of it in terms of a Google search. Put it out there, and know that the Universe will deliver to you an infinite number of paths and suggestions to get you to what you want, just like Google would. Some will be obvious, and some will take you on a journey, but you can trust the answers will come if you just ask the questions.

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Author: Andrea Schulman

Andrea Schulman is a former high school psychology teacher and the creator of Raise Your Vibration Today, which provides free and easy Law of Attraction techniques. She is also available for group educational seminars and webinars.

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