How To Set Goals And Actually Achieve Them!
Do you know how to set goals in a way that actually allows you to achieve them? People often miss the importance of positive focus, being specific and repetition in …
Do you know how to set goals in a way that actually allows you to achieve them? People often miss the importance of positive focus, being specific and repetition in …
It’s easy to become discouraged when we encounter setbacks on the way to our goals. When we fall off the horse, it can often be hard to stay positive and …
Are you having trouble staying positive when challenging circumstances present themselves? The Universal Laws state: so without, so within. Everything is a mirror. We cannot change the reflection, but we …
Recent studies report fascinating results: The words you choose to use can literally change your brain. Dr. Andrew Newberg, a neuroscientist at Thomas Jefferson University, and Mark Robert Waldman, a …
Creative visualisation is a great tool for losing weight. By visualising your body as you want it to be, you induce your subconscious mind to shape it to look as …
Affirmations are positive statements that describe a desired situation or goal, and are often repeated, until they get impressed on the subconscious mind. This process, causes the subconscious mind to to …
Being emotionally healthy sounds fantastic – until we are faced with a failure, rejection, or tragedy. When our emotions are in crisis, we rarely choose the healthiest response. Most often, …
Life isn’t all about the good stuff. We will have our fair share of bad days and difficult moments–a relationship falling out, a severe illness, death, retrenchment. Such life occurrences …
People who suffer from anxiety understand the importance of thought. For example, if you think you will feel anxious, you inevitably will. If you believe you are going to panic, …
On a scale of 1 to 10, how powerful do you think thoughts are to success, compared to hard work, passion, money, character, and charisma? If you’ve prioritized and rated thoughts …
“When will I ever use this again?” We all know that question. We thought it a million times in junior high and high school. I know that I said it …
The Law of Attraction has been referred to as a secret. However, there are secrets about this secret that many people are still unaware of. Andrea has kindly shared some …