An ambivert is someone who’s smack down in the middle between being an introvert and an extrovert. They’re neither more introverted nor more extroverted, they’re really just both.
If you don’t feel like you get mentally drained by social situations or like you’re energized by social situations, then you may relate to these signs:
1. You’re comfortable with your social life
The number of friends you have, the places you go, the deep and funny conversations, etc. Which is why…
2. You don’t usually go out of your way to talk to people or make new friends
You’re content with the friends and acquaintances you have now.
3. But you’re not closed to the idea of meeting new people
You’re cool with it. You don’t mind meeting a new face from time to time and learning about their story.
4. You’re considered the wise peacemaker of your friend group…
Because you know how to bring different people together, especially when it comes to your introverted and extroverted friends.
5. You relate to people very well
Not just in terms of introvert and extrovert, but their personality and interests too. You’re not easily weirded out by your friend’s hobbies no matter how odd. In fact, the stranger the better.
6. You can adapt to any social situation…
Whether it’s in a packed-like-sardines club or an intensely nerdy comic con, you’re rarely ever uncomfortable in social situations.
7. Because you have an adventurous spirit
You love a nice adventure from time to time which is why you’re almost always down to go into an unfamiliar social territory.
8. You’re cool with having some alone time to yourself
You like to take a break from all that talk with some Netflix and chill with you, yourself, and some Popeyes.
9. But you don’t mind it if a friend happens to call or text during that time wanting to talk
They’re probably watching the same show, so why not? Phone calls and text messages are rarely annoying.
10 Because you don’t need to recharge after social situations
They don’t drain you nor energize you. You’re pretty neutral about how they make you feel.
11. You’re cool with group projects as long as everyone is putting in effort
Other than that, you’re even better at individual projects.
12. You like to talk your thoughts out…
Because you don’t like to overthink them. It helps to talk about what makes you think because it clears your mind.
13. You’re honest with your friends when it comes to refusing invitations to go out
You’re not the kind of person who makes refusing invitations to go out your thing nor do you feel like you always have to go out and socialize. Sometimes, you have something important to do or you just don’t feel like it.
14. Most would consider you the “floater” friend…
Because you’re friends with all kinds of friend groups. But it’s not that you’re a floater, you enjoy good company.