Misunderstandings and complacency are the biggest problems in most relationships. Most issues that come up certainly need to be worked through, but often they can be solved quite easily by just doing little things to remind your lady that she is important and that you still love her. Love is not something to think lightly of and can quite easily be taken for granted. It affects every other aspect of your life which makes it one of the most important things to get right.

But how do you show her you love her? Knowing how may not come easy or naturally to everyone. Appreciating a person can be done in many ways. Here are 50 practical tried and tested ways to remind your woman how much you really do love her:

1. Listen to her

Not just to the words she’s saying but to the feeling she tries to express and be patient as she tries to express them.

2. Talk respectfully to her

Don’t make her feel like she is less important and definitely don’t insult her.

3. Compliment her

Be specific, so she knows you really mean it, and be genuine.

4. Be forgiving

There is no better way to love someone than to openly forgive and forget. Holding a grudge will not improve your relationship.

5. Consider her opinion before making a decision

Ask her what she thinks and honestly consider it.

6. Try to show interest in things she enjoys

Does she like cooking? Help her! Does she like sports? Play it with her! Does she like art? Watch it with her!

7. Plan a small trip

Take her to a place where you can spend quality time.

8. Set goals together

If you know from each other what you are working toward, it is easier to support each other. Also, having goals together will bring you closer.

9. Admit your mistakes

Being open and honest, showing that you too are imperfect will make her feel closer to you.

10. Have her back

If you get in a situation where you have to choose between your woman and others, choose her. Especially when it is a situation with your family. If she already feels like she took you away from them, she needs to feel that you don’t hold that against her.

11. Give her a mini massage, like a backrub

Who doesn’t enjoy attention like that? The joy of touch is incredibly healing and bonding.

12. If she’s not feeling well, even just a headache, make sure you help her out as much as possible

She takes care of you all the time, so show her you appreciate that by taking care of her. Don’t ever leave her sick on her own.

13. When she asks you to help out with something, don’t respond annoyed

Show her you don’t mind giving a hand. She doesn’t enjoy everything she needs to do either, but someone has to do it.

14. When you discus a serious subject, don’t deflect it by joking around

Peacefully listen and talk.

15. When having a conversation, look her in the eye

Show her that you are listening. Don’t get distracted.

16. Spend as much time as possible with her

She wants to feel like she is the most important person in the world to you. Spending time is the number one thing you do with the number one person in your life.

17. Put effort into looking good

Workout, shave, shower, put on some deodorant. Whatever makes her feel attracted to you, do it.

18. Help out around the house, without special recognition!

You don’t have to brag about doing something that she does every day. Believe me even doing little things to help her won’t go unnoticed.

19. Be supportive

When she shows that something she wants to do means a lot to her, support her no matter how grandiose a plan it may seem, everyone needs dreams.

20. If she says something is bothering her, don’t ignore it

Talk about it. Small things that stay on your mind, will grow into big things that are hard to solve.

21. Work on yourself

Everyone changes over time. When she mentions some behaviour that she doesn’t appreciate, show her you are trying to improve on it.

22. Surprise her

Give her a lovely card or letter. Show up with flowers. Buy her that bracelet she wanted. Anything small is good. Surprises are what keep your relationship alive.

23. When in a relaxed state, make her comfortable

For example, when watching TV, sit close and cuddle her or hold her hand, even when she is doing something that doesn’t involve you, check in on her periodically.

24. Let her know you think of her when you are not together

You can do this by texting or calling.

25. Be pro-active

If she notices that you are trying the best you can at all times, she will respect you for that.

26. Show affection in public

Hold her hand, give her a kiss, hug her. Don’t be ashamed or afraid to show her you love her, even when people can see it.

27. Are you going to be later than expected? Let her know!

She won’t feel important if you won’t even let her know that you’re late.

28. Ask her what she’s insecure about

If you want to be the hero who helps her out, you should have an idea what’s she’s afraid of. There are a lot of unstable factors in life, so maybe you can help her with things like a job, place to live or even just letting her know she is important.

29. Refuse to compare her to others

She is your number one! Why even start to compare? She has to be the only one you care about.

30. Do what you did when you were dating

When you started to fall in love, you were dating. Why change what’s good? She’s probably sick of being stuck in the house, take her out on dates to stay in love!

31. Help her out or treat her

She probably makes dinner for you every night… Why not let her relax while you clean up afterwards? Or better, make dinner once in a while.

32. If she’s feeling discouraged or hurt, hold her and tell her you love and care for her

She just needs to feel you are there for her at the times she needs you the most.

33. Brag about her

When she’s around, and when she’s not around. Brag about her always. Too many people talk negatively. You chose her, so brag about her.

34. Let her be free to say what’s on her mind

When she speaks from the heart, don’t tell her her feelings aren’t important or dumb.

35. Explore who she is

Try to know more about her. Talk about every subject you can think about. See what her viewpoint is on the deeper things in life. Ask as many questions as you can come up with.

36. Don’t make her feel guilty

Don’t put your problems on her. If you have a problem, talk about it patiently.

37. Make her something

Don’t just buy gifts, create them. Maybe you can make a journal about your relationship, noting down all the important things that happened and adding little memories to cherish.

38. Take pictures with her

Girls take a lot of pictures but they don’t have the same meaning as when you do it. Try to make a picture every time you’re together, even when it’s just relaxing on the couch.

39. Add in some fun

When you’re around each other a lot, you have to deal with a lot of serious matters. Try to add in a little bit of fun by making a joke or tickling her. (Know when to stop, because you don’t want to annoy her.)

40. Call her cute names

You don’t want to sound like a businessman by just using her name. But always using the same nickname can also get boring, so mix it up.

41. Be strong enough to let her help you

When it comes to emotional things, men aren’t usually the best. Let her help you. It’ll show trust and love.

42. Don’t give love to expect it back

Don’t show her you care, just to get it back. Give freely.

43. Don’t see her as weak, but as precious

Women are simply more emotional than men. But that is not weak. She has to be the most important thing in your life. How can she be important if you look down on her? She is precious.

44. Don’t just appreciate how she looks, also love her personality

If she knows you appreciate her for who she is and not just what she looks like, she will feel more love and appreciate you more.

45. Realise that she is like a gift

Every day of your life with her you should remember that she’s a gift in your life. You could be alone, taking care of yourself, but instead she’s there to take care of you. Don’t take her for granted.

46. Do what you say

When you agree on something, follow through. It may not be the easiest for you, but really do the best you can to do as you agreed on.

47. Celebrate accomplishments

Don’t say ‘cool’ and keep on living life. If she did something she’s proud of or you’re proud of, let her know. Get a bottle of wine or get a little something to celebrate.

48. Find out what she likes in bed and do that

Give her more of what she likes rather than just what you like.

49. Leave little notes around the house

Leave notes with sweet messages, so every time she enters a room or uses a different appliance around the house, she has a little surprise.


50. Tell her you love her!

You can never say it often enough. Keep reminding her every day, hour, minute, that you love her!

It is hoped that these tips will help you demonstrate your love for your lady. As mentioned before, it’s important for your relationship that you always show her you love her. If you enjoyed this post, feel free to share it with your friends and family. After all, sharing is caring!


Author: Dharam Barrett

Dharam lives in the UK , she is a mother, film maker, writer, entrepreneur and adventurer with a fun loving, curious mind who truly believes intelligence is sexy!

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