When you determine what your priorities are, you begin to see what is truly important in your life and what is cluttering your life. You begin to realize that some of your responsibilities and possessions are a waste of your time, space, and money.

But even when you realize this, it can be hard to simplify.

Simplifying your life is difficult because it requires you to break away from social norms.

We spend many hours of our precious time on tasks we think are important because they are common in our society. Yet many of these tasks are a waste of time, our most valuable resource.

How to simplify:

  • Review your daily routine and determine what is truly important to you. Just because everyone around you has an expensive cable package to watch TV, does that mean you need it? You can free up hours every day and save money just by cancelling your TV plan. The average American watches 5 hours of TV per day. That’s 1,825 hours per year, which is the equivalent of 228, 8-hour days per year! Your time spent watching TV could be used for you to do something you truly love.
  • Carefully consider social commitments. You don’t have to attend every event and be part of every committee in your community. Choose the activities that are important to you. It doesn’t matter if “everyone else” is participating; if the cause doesn’t line up with your priorities, let it go. Focus on commitments that matter to you and give those your best efforts.
  • Avoid comparing. It doesn’t matter what others are doing with their lives. Spend your time, money, and energy on what you value most.

Simplifying your life is difficult because it requires giving up possessions you may be emotionally attached to.

We often feel responsible for holding onto objects, especially if there are memories associated with them or if they were gifts. These objects then accumulate over time, taking up much space and cluttering your home. Holding onto certain items causes emotional baggage that holds you back from moving forward in your life.

How to simplify:

  • Let yourself keep a few treasured mementos. If you’re having difficulty getting rid of the other items, let go of one object at a time. If you’re having trouble giving up possessions that were gifts, remember that giving the item away does not mean you love the gift giver any less and it does not make your memories any less special.

Simplifying your life is difficult because it requires you to be honest with yourself and carefully critique your life, and you might discover you want to make drastic changes.

Many people spend their lives working at jobs they dislike and filling their calendars with responsibilities that are unnecessary. Can you truly look in the mirror and say you’re frequently spending time doing what you love? Or are you busy but not happy? Are you feeling stuck, discontent, unfulfilled, or frustrated? Be honest with yourself, evaluate how you’re spending time, and have the courage to revise your life.

Today’s a great day to start getting rid of the junk that clutters your life.

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Author: Kerry Petsinger

Kerry Petsinger is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, entrepreneur, and coach who can help you spend your life doing what matters to you. To join people from 104 countries who have used my “30 Powerful Questions to Find Your Passion” workbook, click here!

Main image credit: feel-free-to.be