5,000 years old-long therapy, Acupressure has been an integral part of Asian, more specifically Chinese medicine. It mainly involves pressing a finger on specific points of your body. These acupressure points follow meridians read certain points of your body. Ancient proponents of this treatment believe that applying finger pressure or needle pressure (as in acupuncture) on these points has a host of benefits. Some of them being improved blood flow, tension release and unblock the entrapped life-energy. This life energy is known as “Qi.”  This treatment eases the energy flow and helps it flow through the various meridians, thus generating healing, relaxation, and ensuring the proper functioning of organs.

Whenever you get hurt in certain parts of your body you touch the area drawing immediate solace from the contact. Acupressure harnesses this feeling of touch and contact. Most of us are obsessed with pills and powders and self-treat ourselves with these pills, Acupressure, on the other hand, provides a holistic solution to your pains and niggles and many other conditions. Know more how you can self-treat yourself with Acupressure with these 7 popular pressure points. Click here to know more about acupressure points.

1. Pool At The Crook (Li 11)

This is your pain-killer in the acupressure form. As a bonus, it sets right your digestion issues too. Locate this point in the crook of the elbow. Keep your left hand up at a 90-degree angle and turn the left palm up. Place firmly on the elbow crease and don’t forget to try the same on the other arm too.

2. Adjoining Valley (Li 4)

A headache-relieving point, the Li 4 point has a number of health-boosting benefits as it relieves headaches, aids in relaxing taut muscles and helps you to stay regular.

Keep your left-hand palm down and pull your thumb and fingers together in a gentle squeeze. Locate the fleshy mound between the base of the index finger and your thumb. Use your other hand to press the point positioned in your thumb above and index finger below.

3. Gallbladder 20 (GB20): Feng Chi

Are you suffering from a headache, blurriness, migraine or chronic fatigue and even cold/flu symptoms? Well, the GB 20 point is the perfect pressure point to stimulate to alleviate these symptoms.

Locate it by rubbing the ear bone and follow the crease back to your neck muscles fixed to the skull.

4. Three Mile Foot (St 36)

This acupressure point gives you the energy to travel more than three miles and more! A revitalizing point, it is often used by runners and those who have to travel long distances to restore the chi in your body.

 Locate this point at below the kneecap, at least four finger widths below and just a finger-width at the edge of your shinbone. Get the right point by flexing your foot and you will feel the muscle moving under your fingers.

5. Bigger Rushing (Lv 3)

Manage everyday stress with the LV 3 point as the Bigger Rushing point is the ultimate stress-relieving acupressure point.

Find this point on the top of your foot.  Use your index finger to press the webbing between the big toe and second toe. Find an indentation of the foot by sliding your finger. Once you find the point, either stimulate both your feet simultaneously or one at a time.

6. Abundant Splendor (St 40)

This point helps getting rid of sinus congestion and also the periodic mucus build-up which leads to conditions like cold and cough.

 The ST 40 point is a bit hard to locate.  Find this point on the outside of your leg, it is at the midpoint between your ankle bone and your kneecap. Now, with your thumb apply pressure on the shin bone or tibia, then move your thumb and stop just two inches short off the outer edge of the leg. Needless to say, you have got to press the point firmly to get the desired results.

7. Three Yin Meeting (Sp 6)

This is a potent point as it ensures the free flow of energy to your kidney, liver and spleen meridians. Women can use this point to treat pain stemming from their menstrual cycles.

Apply pressure on your thumb right into the centre of your anklebone, then move your thumb four fingers up. The three Yin Meeting point is located just off the tibia or shin bone and more toward the back area of your leg.

 Administer acupressure the right way

  • Use your thumb to apply pressure to activate the
  • Make your acupressure massages a relaxing affair, put yourself in a comfortable position and allow yourself to shut your eyelids and go into relaxation mode.
  • Also, the best part there is no restrictions on the number of self-treatment sessions you can do. You can try it as many times you want.
  • While self-treatment is definitely an option you can also seek the help of your friend or relative to help massage the points for you.

Acupressure has an answer and a solution to most of the common ailments which we suffer from and is also a wonderful holistic way of treating yourself in tandem with your conventional treatment procedures. The best part of this treatment procedure is that it has little or no side-effects and it is safe to use even on your babies.

What’s more? Acupressure can also be used for prevention of a number of diseases and it also boosts the immune system. So ideally, acupressure helps with increasing the circulation, tension release, pain reduction and development of spiritual and vibrant health. There are more than 400 acupressure points on your body. We have listed a few of the most popular acupressure points.  Try the above according to your ailment and act accordingly. Acupressure works for most of us, whether it will work for you well, only you have to try it out to find out whether it works for you, also you have to be patient with any form of holistic treatment and acupressure is no different.

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Author: Deblina Biswas

Deblina Biswas is a professional content writer at Modern Reflexology. She has completed her graduation from Banaras Hindu University and went on to complete her Masters in the subject. She is passionate about writing on holistic health treatments such as Acupressure, Reflexology, Massages, Acupuncture and so on.

Main image credit: unsplash.com