It is common knowledge that reading is useful for everyone. Some people tend to force themselves to read a couple of books every year, but many regard reading as their genuine hobby.

Unfortunately, only a few people, who are true book lovers, have an opportunity to realize all the benefits of their useful hobby. Let us try to discuss the most common benefits of reading. Perhaps, these advantages will change your attitude towards reading books and make you interested in this kind of intellectual activity.

1. Let’s you explore and have fun

Even though some individuals regard the process of reading as a considerably boring activity, you can be certain that it is more entertaining than you might realize! At present, you are offered a broad range of literary genres, such as drama, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, etc. In addition, there are a great number of sub-genres; therefore, everyone has a chance to find something interesting to read, according to their needs and interests.

2. Promotes mental health

Reading is considered to be a mentally challenging activity. Researchers have proved that individuals who are engaged in these activities are less likely to suffer from different psychological disorders. One recent study claims that Alzheimer’s disease tends to occur more rarely in people who like reading and playing chess.

3. Boosts knowledge

Can you show me someone who wouldn’t like to take on additional brain power? It seems that the majority of people would like to be well-rounded individuals that are capable of keeping up conversations on a broad range of topics, like evolution or Shakespeare. In order to be such a knowledgeable person, you have to be a reader. Moreover, it would be difficult to meet a boring and uninteresting individual who is passionate about reading.

4. Allows you to rest your limbs

If you want to escape from your real life for a short time, take your favourite book and make yourself comfortable. While reading a book, you have an opportunity to engross in a unique story and observe their life instead of yours. As a result, you have a chance to forget about all the problems that bother you.

5. Develops your imagination

Every individual is exposed to the world of imagination while reading a book. The majority of readers are great dreamers so as they boost their imagination through every story they read. Those people who like reading fiction believe that nothing is impossible; they paint their lives in bright colours and bold strokes.

6. Allows you to stand in someone else’s shoes

While reading a book, you have a chance to imagine yourself to be the main character of a particular story and live all the events through the eyes of the novel’s protagonist.

7. Helps you expand your vocabulary and improve your speech

It is a well-known fact that reading may help people improve their vocabulary. The more that people read, the better the lexicon they have; and as a result, they have a better opportunity to express their feelings and emotions. It is considered important since people tend to express themselves using their speech. Besides, researchers have found a strong link between an individual’s vocabulary and their mental health. Many Spanish scholars from the University of Santiago de Compostela have proved that people who have a rich vocabulary are less likely to develop certain mental disorders in the future.

8. Develops skills in empathy

According to findings published by researchers from the University of Toronto, reading may change certain personality traits of readers. For instance, if individuals like reading romance novels, they are more likely to develop their empathy. While reading a book, you have an opportunity not only to know other people but also to examine your own emotions by learning new experiences.

9. Provides inspiration

Sometimes, fictional characters of your favourite books may be a source of inspiration for you. Similarly, to the real people, who you meet in real life, fictional characters may either teach you something or influence your words and actions. You’ll hear a number of stories where an individual has changed his or her hobbies, style, image, and taste after reading a certain book.

10. Improves sleep

If you like reading books, I’m sure you can relate to falling asleep with a book in your hands, at least once. Indeed, reading can also be compared to a sleeping pill, especially when a reader is tired. Apart from that, an interesting hobby like reading helps individuals improve the quality of their sleep. This relaxing activity makes your sleep deep and restful.

If you enjoyed these benefits of reading, feel free to share this article with your friends and family. After all, sharing is caring!

Author: Erica Fleming

My name is Erica Fleming. I support the effective adoption of new technologies or ways of working within writing by communicating complex information in an informative and inspiring way. You can check out my works at I’m fond of writing articles for students and helping with essays.

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