Health and happiness are some of the things every human being want. But these words are hard to be felt and experienced with everything that is going on in the world today. Work-related stress, family woes, broken relationships, financial instability are just some of the things that may cause you sadness. But you should know that everyone else is experiencing the same problems as you. It is just a matter of knowing when to let go and pick themselves up that makes them a little bit cheekier than you. Here are some unconventional tips which will help you achieve a healthy and happy mind:
1. Meditation
Your mind is very powerful and whatever comes into it can consume you in an instant. Meditation is basically a practice wherein you try to quite your mind. Meditating is very difficult in the beginning because you can never shut your mind out. The more you try, the more thoughts will enter it. But it can be done. Anybody can meditate. If you try to sit and just concentrate on your breathing for about 20 minutes and repeat this cycle everyday, you will see the changes in your body. Meditation has a lot of benefits. It undergoes physiology training and changes in your body down to the cellular level and before you knew it, you feel better, lighter, happier, and physically, mentally and emotionally healthier.
2. Avoid negative thoughts
Steering away from negative thoughts also plays a vital role in your road to happiness. While it is true that negative thoughts cannot be gone, you have the power to overthrow them in your mind once it slowly creeps in again. A healthy exercise would be writing the thought in a piece of paper, throwing it away or burning them would help discard that unhealthy thought.
3. Media
It is amazing how media can influence your thoughts and feelings. Sometimes, media highlights the world’s cruelty, negativity and even pain. But don’t let this consume you and start pessimistic thoughts. Don’t be easily swayed by what media is telling you because they have the power to bend some truth, exaggerate things and do more harm than good. Media will always be part of your life so start to filter shows that you are watching.
4. Use your imagination
Your imagination is powerful than you think so make good use of it to make this world a better place. You have the power to imagine different things which can be scary and exciting depending on what you think. Sometimes, you can even alter what you feel, see and hear in the physical world. So if you think negative things, then you will also feel bad and feel down. But with just a switch you can change your mind and think of happier things. Don’t let negative emotions ruin your perfect day. It is a matter of perspective and make imaginations of good use.
5. Eat more whole and nutritious foods
You are what you eat. If you eat unhealthy junk food, loves a lot of alcohol, too much caffeine intake then in a few years, your body deteriorates and you will be sick. But if you choose healthier options, eat more greens, lean meat over fatty ones, choose to make your own food rather than buy in fast food chains, then you will experience a beautiful transformation inside you. Today, there are many healthier, organic options in the market. There is totally no reason for you to miss out of getting healthy.
6. Surround yourself with people who give you opportunity to grow
As you grow older, you will realize your friends have become smaller and smaller. There is totally no problem with that. It means you have chosen these people who will bring change and motivates you. But the question is, have you chosen the right kind of people to remain in your life? The answer is simple. If these people help and encourage you to be better, then you are in the right track. Building relationships with people requires energy so make sure you share the same interest with them. If there is no real connection, then it is time to let them off the hook.
7. Spend more time with your loved ones
Family is everything. The world, your friends, your career may turn their backs on you, but your family wont. Make sure you have spent time with them and make them feel how much you love them. Also, try to spend more time with the things that you love to do. When you participate in something that you love doing, there is possibility of radiating something good to the people you love and it just makes you a happier person.
8. Try HIIT (high-internsity Interval Training) and get some sleep
Try different kinds of exercise that suits you. HIIT seem to be a very popular thing these days where you do different exercise routines at a certain amount of time. It is tiring but it releases endorphins for happy hormones. You can also try Zumba, Crossfit, or yoga to stretch your body. Just do any exercise and you will notice that you have a good night’s sleep at the end of the day.
There is no absolute formula on how to have a healthy and happy mind. It can be a mixture of different things like meditation, physiology training or doing exercises, doing a hobby, travelling or doing all these one at a time. There are just so many inspirations and influence from your surroundings that can change your mood or thoughts in minutes so always choose the better one and take the high road.
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