Procrastination definitely has a bad reputation. Everyone wants to avoid it, but we all do it anyway, probably in this twenty-first century more than ever before!

How is that?

Think about it for a moment, when we sit down to work, especially at a computer, literally the entire world is at our fingertips to explore. It’s no wonder that we get are constantly getting side tracked in a million different ways and end up procrastinating on the work that we originally sat down and intended to do.

And even if we are not sitting down at a desk, the world is often in our pocket, on our phone or now, even on our wrist watch!

Needless to say, there is always something to distract us, whether we intend for it to or not. There is always something that seems more urgent or more exciting to fill our time.

Being irresponsible can definitely have negative consequences in your professional and personal life, but have you ever stopped to consider the benefits of a little procrastination? Here are some of the ways procrastination may be beneficial.

1. Working well under pressure

Our work may be better when we are fully engaged and motivated.

Let’s face it, when we procrastinate on a deadline there is a huge amount of pressure as the deadline approaches.

Maybe you are someone that works well under pressure, but maybe not. Some people thrive working under pressure! Either way, most of us will perform better when we are fully engaged in a project, rather than thinking about too many things at once.

When we procrastinate, the deadline looms ahead and forces us into completely focus on the project submission. This, this complete focus, may not otherwise happen. Let procrastination work to your advantage!

2. Time to calm down

Procrastination may give us much needed perspective.

Consider a personal example for a moment. You may know that you need to talk to your best friend about the tension between the both of you, that’s been there ever since that tiff you had the other day.

You may hate conflict, and so you procrastinate to call her up as long as possible. But this period of procrastination may be just what you and your BFF both need to cool off and calm down.

This is also true in the office. Finishing a project immediately may result in a half-thought-through solution.

Even though we often procrastinate in our work, that does not mean our brain is not constantly mulling over information.

Perhaps it is better to think about something for a while before you even begin.

Maybe as you peruse the internet or your Facebook feed, you will become more informed for your project. Maybe procrastination could also be defined as research!

3. Time to introspect

Less revisions makes your work more authentic and real.

If you are the type of person who is constantly doubting yourself, you should procrastinate once in awhile! This will help you to be more confident of yourself and your work.

Many a times the more we examine anything about ourselves – our work, our house, our hair, our body – the more discontent we become. We start finding flaws in every nook and cranny.

Sometimes we just need to go with our gut and let it ride. Your work will end up looking more like yours than someone else’s, and it will be beautiful!

The best way to make procrastination work to your advantage

In conclusion, everyone works differently and knowing how you operate is the best way to make procrastination work to your advantage.

If you are a chronic procrastinator, start by examining why you procrastinate.

Is it because you feel unsure of what steps to take?

Instead of ignoring the problem, start researching which steps you must take to overcome your problem with procrastination.

Therefore, when crunch time comes, you will know exactly what you need to do and being confident in your work will always produce better results.

Are you procrastinating because you are lazy?

Take the time to look within yourself and find out what motivates you.

If you are feeling unmotivated to work on a project, use your procrastination time to pump yourself up and by doing something that you love. It just might motivate and energize you, so that you can work more effectively on the next task!

Do you always find that your work falls short of your own expectations, even if everyone else loves it?

Maybe you never procrastinate. Maybe you are a perfectionist.

Why don’t you experiment and wait until the final hours to work toward your next deadline.

You just might surprise yourself and come up with some really amazing work.

Thank goodness you won’t have enough time to throw it out and try something else.

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Author: Alicia Honeycutt

My name is Alicia Honeycutt. I am a digital strategist and a beginning writer for several educational websites among which EssayDot. I love to share my thoughts and be useful for people.

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