“Hate, it has caused a lot of problems in the world, but has not solved one yet.” – Maya Angelou

With more and more people online, there’s a major increase in the amount of users who are also abusers. People label these individuals as internet trolls, haters, cyberbullies and a range of other terms. These labels often refer to those that leave negative comments about others via the internet, or those who produce material and/or even websites/profiles, in the hope to hurt someone or damage their reputation. Some people will say that there’s a difference between an internet troll and a cyberbully, however they’re both related to online abuse, so we’ll be using these terms interchangeably throughout this post.

Sadly, some people think it’s completely fine to leave negative remarks about others on the internet. They’ll hop on the web and see a picture of someone well known such as Kim Kardashian and leave a comment about her looking overweight or something else that’s deemed to be offensive. You’ll then see some of her fans reply back and say that the abuser is probably jealous and has nothing better to do, which the abuser will reply to, with something along the lines of “I’m just being honest” or, “It’s just an opinion.” At this point, you may ask yourself, but what is the actual intent of the opinion that’s been left? If you’ve been an abuser in the past, what did you plan to achieve from your comments? They say that if you have nothing positive to say, then don’t say it at all. Sometimes people feel the need to say what they perceive as the truth, in a rude manner to “keep it real” – no; keeping it real suggests that you articulate what you feel is the truth, with love. Sure, you can argue that some people are more sensitive than others. Yet, there’s a fine line between abuse and an honest opinion, with the intent to make a positive difference.

“A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.”David Brinkley

Some celebrities deal with way too much abuse, and most of them cope with it very well. To be honest, a lot of them are in the position that they’re at because of the way they deal with the negative opinions and abuse from others. They simply ignore the negativity that comes their way, even at times where it seems impossible. That behaviour itself requires extreme strength and focus; self-focus. What’s also admirable about many celebrities is that they respect their happiness enough, not to let anyone else take it away from them. People often forget that celebrities are humans and think it’s perfectly fine to throw insults at them, knowing that if it were the other way round, they wouldn’t like it in the slightest.

Some of us can get abuse literally out of nowhere, even without the exposure that celebrities have. This is sadly due to the fact that there are many people who are unhappy with their own lives. You have to remember that happiness and hate don’t go together… Ever! Think about it, can you name one person that you think is truly experiencing eternal happiness, that makes time to say negative things about other people? You see, these abusive individuals often rely on the deflation of others to make themselves feel better. The key word here is “others” – thus not being in control of their own happiness and having the understanding to be settled within their own mind, regardless of what’s around them.

The truth is, those people who are wasting their time and energy leaving abuse online are going nowhere, very fast. If they put as much energy as they did towards abusing people, into their own life and goals, maybe they’d be the ones attracting negativity. Remember, when you’re going somewhere good and you’re going there fast, you get resistance, just like a plane does. This can come in the form of people, such as internet trolls.

Remember this…

Emotions such as hate and jealousy are forms of negative energy; the Law of Attraction will tell you that this attracts negative events. Similarly, karma will also tell you that what goes around, comes around. You literally have to allow the Universe to do its work. These offensive individuals will have to face the consequences of their actions at some point in their lives. It happens all the time, and then these individuals wonder why “life is unfair.”

If you’re someone that falls into the habit of leaving negative remarks about others online, then let us just leave you with something to think about. You can kill your precious time, pointing out other people’s flaws or leaving offensive messages, whilst being remunerated with difficulties through the energy you emit. Or, you can spend time focusing on yourself and making positive use of this time to create the life of your dreams. What will you choose? One does absolutely nothing positive for you, or to you in your life, the other does.


There are some cases of cyberbulling which can be very extreme and these must be treated seriously by seeking professional help. However, in most cases, there are 3 practical things you can do if you ever face abuse from internet trolls. These are:

1. Ignore

The best thing to do is to just ignore all abuse you get online. Most the time, individuals want you to react or want to see you suffer in some sort of way. If you don’t acknowledge them, they’ll often feel like they haven’t accomplished what they set out to do… And they’ll probably never admit this, but they’ll feel a bit pathetic inside. Once you acknowledge negative people in your life, you make them relevant, so learn to ignore them if you can.

2. Report/Block

Most social media sites will allow you to report abuse from users, and even block them altogether so that they can’t contact you, or see your activity online; you also won’t be able to see theirs. As soon as someone tries to approach you with negativity, mute them out of your life by following these actions, if you simply cannot ignore them; it’ll almost be like they don’t exist.

3. Save the evidence

If you’re dealing with extreme abuse then you should save all the evidence. That means screenshot webpages, save online messages, emails and so on. You should then show this evidence to someone with authority that can help you deal with the abuse, professionally. This might be a parent or teacher, or possibly even the police. Anyone taking part in cyberbullying who sends threats of harm or inappropriate sexual messages, can be prosecuted by law.

“You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.” –  Winston S. Churchill

Apart from doing the things mentioned above, the best reaction to the types of individuals mentioned throughout this article is no reaction. Sometimes we have to accept that negative people exist in this world and will try and make our lives difficult because they are unhappy with their own lives, and because our lives are far more interesting than theirs. Do not retaliate and lower your standards to theirs. Don’t let them bring you down to their frequency, otherwise you will end up attracting bad energy… Energy that you don’t want, need or deserve.

Main image credit: lifehacker.com